Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I'm So Tired...

I am so tired of this world; where cheaters cheat and liars lie and killers kill - all without conscience; where politicians and dictators are interchangeable; where children bleed and parents run; where parents die and children don't care; where up is down and down is up and the world has shifted on it's axis, literally.

I'm so tired of this world; where good is bad, bad is good, and everything is spinning wildly out of control; where the good are made sport of and the wicked endorsed; my head is exploding because of the madness spinning through the atmosphere; life is not valued, we do not take care of our own but flock to tend to the wounds of strangers; what once was valuable is now scorned; what is filthy and rotten is now wildly delightful; the sins of the fathers will be visited about the children in the form of money spent that is not earned and can not be repaid.

The heavens are heavy with the grief of many who are slain by zealots; where tears and blood run intermingled in the streets; the earth is groaning and mercy is forgotten and grace is unknown.

I'm so tired....